
Please be aware that while we strive to ensure the accuracy of product information, there may be occasions when manufacturers make changes to their ingredient lists. Therefore, the actual packaging and materials of the product you receive may contain additional or different information compared to what is displayed on our page. We strongly advise against relying solely on the information provided and recommend that you carefully read the labels, warnings, and directions before using or consuming any product. If you require further details about a specific product, we suggest contacting us directly at 818 802 3700. The content available on this page is intended for reference purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional advice from a licensed mental health or health-care professional. It is important not to use this information for self-diagnosis or to treat any health problems or diseases. If you suspect that you have a medical or psychological issue, please promptly consult your physician or mental health-care provider. Please note this product is designed to assist with overall health and well being. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or health conditions. Amazon.com accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies or misrepresentations regarding products.

MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The device is not designed to be used for any medical or psychoanalytical purposes. These include but are not limited to: medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, therapy of medical or health conditions including but not limited to the brain or heart-related conditions. The information is in no way designed to substitute the expertise and judgment of your doctor, pharmacist, psychologist, or other healthcare professional. If you have any pre-existing mental health or medical conditions, consult with a doctor for medical advice before using the device.

​LIMITED WARRANTY: The device, excluding cords, is warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship appearing within 1 year from the date of purchase when used in accordance with the instructions provided with the device. The above warranties extend only to the original retail purchaser. We will, at our option, repair or replace without charge any device or sensor covered by the above warranties. Repair or replacement is our only responsibility and your only remedy under the above warranties. To obtain warranty service, contact Customer Service by phone 818 802 3700 or by sending an email to [email protected]. Please include the address of the repair location and the return shipping address. Enclose the Proof of Purchase. Please include a letter, with your name, address, phone number, and description of the specific problem. Pack the product carefully to prevent damage in transit. Because of possible loss in transit, we recommend insuring the product with return receipt requested.